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Arthritis or rheumatism? Differentiating Rheumatism from Arthritis in Homeopathy

Arthritis or rheumatism? Differentiating Rheumatism from Arthritis in Homeopathy

Arthritis or rheumatism? Differentiating Rheumatism from Arthritis in Homeopathy

 According to the Oxford Dictionary definition, rheumatism is "inflammation and pain of joints, muscles or fibrous tissue". Arthritis is "painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints." The main difference is that while rheumatism affects the joints, rheumatism also affects the muscles and connective tissue (arthritis only affects the joints). Most of the time people don't differentiate the type or cause of the pain - they call it "arthritis".

Is it important to know the difference? Yes.

Both arthritis and rheumatism can affect any joint in the body; however, the areas where arthritis is first noticed are usually the joints that are used more than others, such as the fingers, neck, and knees. Rheumatism can affect any muscle or joint, but is more common in areas where overuse is common (arms, upper back, buttocks, legs).

Etiology and usual medical care

Arthritis pain and stiffness are usually due to the loss of space between the joints and then the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones, causing bone to rub against bone. The usual medical care is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as Merrill or ibuprofen. If the joint degeneration is severe, if the joint can be replaced, it is fine.

Rheumatic pain is caused by inflammation of the affected muscle, joint or tissue. This is usually the result of overuse, duplication or misuse of the affected part. For example, a common site for rheumatic pain among frequent computer users is the upper back trapezius of the arm that uses the mouse. Frequent movement of the arm from mouse to keyboard and back again. This repetitive motion is exacerbated when the mouse and computer are at different heights -- which in turn exacerbates the misuse of the arm.

 and silence.

The case for homeopathy

Dan, 75, a farmer in good health, complained of back pain. He went to see his chiropractor, who explained it was arthritis and recommended calcium supplements and chiropractic care. When he didn't get better, he sought my treatment because he didn't want to "take the medical route".

Since the chiropractor didn't take an X-ray, there was no way to prove whether Dan had arthritis or rheumatism. X-rays will show narrowing of the joint space, confirming arthritis.

Based on the case, I determined that Dan's problem was rheumatism. His pain occurs after lifting the feed bag, during sex, and when dealing with mood swings (they are trying to sell their farm and home). The pain is not constant, not related to the weather, and there is no stiffness. The pain does not radiate, but is concentrated between the shoulder blades and is localized. When he was emotional, the pain would be sudden and sharp. During intercourse or after lifting the feed bag,.

Special Considerations for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system attacks joints, causing them to swell and deform. It is an autoimmune disease that requires physical healing and is unlikely to respond to any of the 3 common treatments mentioned in this article. Rheumatoid arthritis needs homeopathic help.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is important that you do not make any health decisions or stop any medications without first consulting your GP or healthcare provider.


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