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Knee Arthritis: 7 Symptoms

 Knee Arthritis: 7 Symptoms

Osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthritis are common causes of knee pain. Osteoarthritis typically affects people over the age of 45, while post-traumatic arthritis is associated with knee damage and can affect any age. Knee arthritis is a degenerative disease. It has no cure, but precision-guided injections provide non-surgical treatment. This treatment can successfully reduce the symptoms of this painful disease.

Knee arthritis is caused by worn or damaged cartilage between bones. This causes the bones to rub against each other, causing pain and discomfort. Arthritis Relief of America uses digital imaging to determine exactly where bones rub against each other. Gel is then injected to form a cushion between the bones. Result: Patient gets much-needed relief from debilitating symptoms of knee arthritis.

Of course, there are other causes of knee pain, and if you experience any of the symptoms below, it's worth taking the time to have a free knee pain screening for diagnosis and treatment.

7 Symptoms of Knee Arthritis

1. pain

The cartilage that cushions bones doesn't wear down immediately, so while pain can sometimes come on suddenly, it tends to develop gradually over time. It may start as pain when you wake up in the morning or after sitting still for a while. Kneeling can become increasingly painful, as can climbing stairs.

The pain will gradually increase until it becomes uncomfortable to walk and, perhaps worst of all, will startle you from a deep sleep.

Eventually, the pain becomes unbearable and your quality of life will be severely affected.

2. swelling

Knee arthritis can lead to bone spurs (bony protrusions at the edges of the bones) and excess fluid in the knee joint, which causes inflammation and swelling. Swelling may be worse in the morning or after a long period of inactivity, and your knee may feel warm; it may even appear pink or red.

In the early stages of knee arthritis, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce swelling and pain, but over time, over-the-counter drugs will no longer be of any help.

3. kink

Sometimes you find that your knee is unstable; it suddenly gives way or bends. This knee weakness is especially dangerous for older adults because it can lead to a hard fall.

4. rigidity

Sometimes, your knee may lock up: you can't bend or straighten it, you have to bend and move your leg until it relaxes.

5. Squeaks and clicks

This is the most disturbing symptom of all. When walking, especially when going down stairs, you will hear your knees making a clicking sound. People with arthritis of the knee describe it as various squeaks, pops, or pops; some even say they can feel the bones rubbing against each other.

6  lose motion
As knee a
rthritis worsens, getting up from a chair or car becomes more difficult. Climbing stairs can become difficult and getting up from a kneeling position without assistance becomes impossible. Eventually even walking became difficult.

7. deformity

In the early stages of knee arthritis, you may not notice deformity, but as the disease progresses, your knee may turn inward, outward, or look different than your nonarthritic knee.


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